Last week Rachel did a great job of teaching us Rumba.
Here is a quick review of what she taught:
In the Beginning Lesson:
- The Basic - slow quick quick slow
- Rotating Basic - turning the basic box in quarter turn increments
- 5th Position Breaks - where the foot goes behind
- Cross over breaks - where the foot comes in front
- Pivot Turns - turning 180 degrees in one place
- Arch Turns - leading the turn away from you
- Loop Turns - leading the turn towards you
- Swivels - shake it!
- Rumba Cuddles
- Cuddles exited by a loop turn into crossover breaks
- Cuban breaks
- Sliding Doors
Here are the marks for the different moves so you can "fast forward" to what you want to review.
Box step 0:00
Underarm (Arch turn) 0:42
Open break underarm turns (turning from the open position) 1:32
Crossover breaks 2:12
Parallel breaks 3:10
Alternating open breaks 3:41
Ladies underarm turn into side-by-side turn 4:33
2nd position breaks (Cubans) 5:33
Extended box 6:10
Alternating crossover breaks 6:50
5th position breaks 7:40
Happy dancing